In addition to our interest in Landscape Architecture, We are really aiming at Social Services which can be done to enhance our surroundings into Green Environment.
Betterment is targeted by every head of people, but Betterment of open spaces and our social spaces would bring many advantages for present and future world. We would love to be an Inspiration to all the young minds to involve in social services and help us out for bringing out our world into better and Best.
Our aim is to complete more than 1, 00,000 Trees Planting before the year 2025 and Proceed further with many targets. So far we have planted nearly 10,000 Trees and 1, 00,000 plants as part of our City.
The main aim of social landscape and their journeys becomes the recent trends and developments. Thus ecosystem for social impact, opportunities, challenges and recommendations has to achieve by these Social Activities in Landscaping. This would make everyone realise the importance of Green Earth and target our World to a better Place of Living with Lush Green Surroundings.